štvrtok 16. augusta 2012


In the settlement St. Margarethen (Austria), only about 50 km from Vienna is a 2-thousand-years old Roman quarry of Leitha limestone. Stone from this quarry was used in the construction of St. Stephen's Cathedral and other buildings in Vienna.
Every summer, it is the venue for an open air opera, which has a fantastic reputation. Open air stage is the largest natural stage in Europe. During the summer come artists of different countries here. Last summer it was opera LA TRAVIATA
 and this summer it is
by Giuseppe Verdi. The performance was as usual gorgeous...

The opera focuses on the story of Rigoletto, the Duke of Mantova’s jester. The material Verdi excitedly wrote about Victor Hugo’s drama "Le roi s’amuse", which he adopted for his opera – a work composed in a creative frenzy.
It tells the tale of a middle aged hunch-backed court Jester, employed by the overly licentious Duke of Mantova, who is overly protective of his only daughter, Gilda. Poor Rigoletto gets a curse on him, his daughter was kidnapped. Rigoletto swears vengeance on the Duke.

The aria "Povero RIGOLETTO" superbly express is sorrow.

viera7 wrote on Aug 15, '09
Absolutely loved it, pictures and music..and I would give anything to have the chance to be there!
That performance was really spectacular...beseids I love Verdi very much... Thanks for stopping by sweetie...I came back today from my holiday...HUGS

viera7 wrote on Aug 15, '09
robbekop said
this is really a nice piece of work
yes Fred I like it very much... Welcome here after so long time...I'm already back from my holiday...hope to see you soon...HUGS

viera7 wrote on Aug 15, '09
belita747 said
love it. Hugs
That is my favourite aria from Rigoletto...Actually I like Verdi very much... I'm back from my holiday... Hope to see you soon dear Belita...

believemenot wrote on Aug 11, '09
A Fabulous scenery for a great opera!
Absolutely loved it, pictures and music..and I would give anything to have the chance to be there!

robbekop wrote on Aug 11, '09
Welcome back Viera -- and well done -- this is really a nice piece of work you have added here --- thanks for sharing :-)

belita747 wrote on Aug 8, '09
Welcome back on here, Viera! Gorgeous entry... love it. Hugs, Belita

viera7 wrote on Aug 8, '09
I have special feelings towards this beautiful master piece,
dear Vart...mee too... That master piece of Verdi is my favourite...Verdi expressed so fantastic sorrow and love as well... My deep sympathy due to your father....

I'm always looking forward do attended this performance...Hugs and love...

viera7 wrote on Aug 8, '09
thanks for sharing!
It is my pleasure Michael...That is my favourite Verdi's opera and I use always the possibility to visit the open air performance in St. Marghariten. I've had some troubles with slide show...hope that you could see it...Have a nice weekend...

jashheifetz wrote on Aug 8, '09, edited on Aug 8, '09
one of the most beautiful "arias" ever written by G. Verdi.

I had the pleasure of being part of several orchestras

in the interpretation of this opera

in the first violin section, and eventually as concertmaster.

I have special feelings towards this beautiful master piece,

it was also my father's favourite (and you coincidentally played it)

this day August the 8th which is the anniversary of his passing away.

thank you Viera

love always,


michaelmichoo wrote on Aug 8, '09
Well done, Viera! Excellent ... thanks for sharing!

1 komentár:

  1. Strašne som chcela ísť na toto predstavenie. Dokonca som sa zapojila do súťaže o vstupenky, ale nepodarilo sa mi ich vyhrať :-( Keď som o tom rozprávala jednému známemu, s ktorým som sa zoznámila vďaka cyklistike, tak na ďalšiu sezónu kúpil hneď lístky na predstavenie Čarovnej flauty. Lenže 25. augusta sme nikde nešli, pretože sa mu u mňa dovtedy nepodarilo dosiahnuť to, čo mal v úmysle. Nakoniec som ešte v deň predstavenia videla na internete, že predáva dva lístky, tak neviem, či išiel nakoniec sám, alebo ich nechal prepadnúť. Rigoletto bola moja prvá opera, ktorú som videla, ani neviem, či sem mám napísať ten historický rok (ak sa nemýlim, tak to bolo v r. 1971).
