The cactus is a rare and stunning
creationof nature and is
a member of the spine
plant family Cactaceae, native
to the Americas .
They are often used as
ornamental plants,
but some are also crop plants.
The life of a cactus is
seldom longer
than 300 years, and
there are cacti,
which live only 25 years.
chris13jkt said
The flowers are very beautiful eventhough the plant is full of thorn I wonder how such ugly plants can produce very beautiful flowers And that reminds me not to judge a book by its cover
Welcome Chris on my page...I'm very glad you like that beautiful flowers as well...
It is very nice to meet you... |
mcmurfy1 said
Sorry Danny...I didn't realize it...
I wish to have a natural garden here as well... Thank you for your visit |
blondy2000 said
all the wonderful colors, the flowers are awesome .. the advice... all of them are great.... Thanks...
Thank you dear Nancy. I'm very happy you like it as well...The flowers are really awesome...
You're always welcome... |
chris13jkt wrote on Jan 29
The quotes and advices all are inspiring
The flowers are very beautiful eventhough the plant is full of thorn I wonder how such ugly plants can produce very beautiful flowers And that reminds me not to judge a book by its cover |
blondy2000 wrote on Jan 28
Is so beautiful Dear Viera....
all the wonderful colors, the flowers are awesome .. the advice... all of them are great.... Thanks... |
Krásné ukázky kvetoucích kaktusů. Děkuji, Vierko
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