piatok 17. augusta 2012



Have you ever met someone from the bloggosphere face to face?

My friend Matthew wrote to me once:

“Most of last year I enjoyed a wonderful love affair that began here in the bloggosphere. I was so awestruck by this person's creative instincts, intelligence and good looks. The written connection, facilitated by this medium and interface, became a spoken one.


The best aspect, prior to our first meeting in person, was how inspirational I found this person. She was rapidly becoming a "best friend." We tried the "video conference", but I don't think I'd do that again. It's too "jiggly".

The reason why some people do it before they agree to meet in person is that "the camera doesn't lie," and there are many who use past-dated photos of themselves during a time in their lives when they really did look wonderful and appealing.

We enjoyed sharing some travel and vacations that year. It might be presumptuous to think that every person whom one can meet "in person" from here in the bloggosphere could turn out to be a wonderful love affair.

So, there... that's my story of meeting people via blogging. Sometimes, like you have found too, it's a pleasant surprise where deep friendships can take root.”

viera7 wrote on Jun 11, '10
mrthree said
Three days. We will miss you.
I'll miss all of you as well... Have a nice weekend...
mrthree wrote on Jun 11, '10
Three days. We will miss you. Read your blog with interest and all the comments. Thanks for the sharing. Have a fun trip, Viera. Hug.
viera7 wrote on Jun 11, '10
I'll spend three days in Austrian Alps...(without internet)

Wishing you terrific weekend as well...

viera7 wrote on Jun 9, '10
I've had a few bloggers dropped by the office for lunch...
Iggy you are lucky man...I thing it is always great time spent with the good friends... Have a nice time...
viera7 wrote on Jun 9, '10, edited on Jun 9, '10
firefysh said
Hopefully that may change.
Who knows Graham...
no one knows the day or hour when the things will happen... maybe once :-)
viera7 wrote on Jun 9, '10
suallinda said
I was never involved with anyone
Hi Eliane, nice to meet you in my blog...maybe Samantha was right.."sometimes you gotta take a chance!"...

Wish you a nice day...
viera7 wrote on Jun 9, '10
belita747 said
I have never had a bad experience. Just the contrary... so far... so good!
I'll hope so Belita...but like Matthew wrote to me " after written connection" you must have an image of persom who you want to meet...
viera7 wrote on Jun 9, '10
frankiex said
That sounds so wonderful Viera
Yes Frank...it could be wonderful to meet some a good friends face to face... I caught it only once...
viera7 wrote on Jun 9, '10
selauk said
just as well in real time sometimes you gotta take a chace!
Hello Samantha, nice to meet you on my paage... I fully agree with you...Sometimes we can meet the success by chance...
iggyigette wrote on Jun 9, '10
I've had a few bloggers dropped by the office for lunch...gook experience
firefysh wrote on Jun 9, '10
The only people I have met from the Bloggosphere I knew before I got there. :-)
Hopefully that may change.
suallinda wrote on Jun 9, '10
I was never involved with anyone, to the point of wanting to meet him personally.
But, my sister met and has been married for eight years with a guy she met on the Internet. So, love can happen or true friendship.
belita747 wrote on Jun 9, '10
It's all a question of good-luck, coincidence and what we expect or not from the other person....
Personally, I have never had a bad experience. Just the contrary... so far... so good!
frankiex wrote on Jun 8, '10
That sounds so wonderful Viera .....Hope you are stiil good friends and Happy..
Hugs Frank
selauk wrote on Jun 8, '10
GOT ONE OF MY BEST REAL LIFE FREINDS OFF HERE i took a chance and asked if i could go to a party she was having she said yes and we got on just as well in real time sometimes you gotta take a chace!

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