What could show up in my life if I say "No"
I have a interesting job, good position as well but I’m very busy. To the busy person everyone (mainly boss) keeps dumping more and more on
On one hand, it seems that if my boss needs something that to be done, he used to give it to me, not to someone who is less busy... I have no problem to say NO to my colleagues but to the boss it is not easy...
There's a reason why busy people are busy, and people with time to waste have time...
Than can you help me with my question:
Might I even make up an excuse to support my "No." because I know that saying "No" to my boss is not expects. Than I think it will be better to change my job and start another one with a new principle.
What do you mean??
simplyregina wrote on Aug 5, '10
One thing we know about successful people is they have learned to say "no". Actually that princile you have to know from Jack Canfield's seminars. But I know that it is not easy to know when it is the right time for it.
I'm sure about you that you'll find a good solution. The best of luck dear Viera! |
belita747 said
you have always a good advices for me dear Belita...I thought also that the best way for a talk will be perhaps by the next conference, away from our office...but at first I have to find a resolution...
Hugs and kisses... |
gloria2010 said
My dear friend Gloria, thank you so much for your wise words...I'll keep all my thoughts only for myself, but I have to make a decision very soon...
Hugs and kisses... |
lovedreams7 wrote on Aug 4, '10
I don't have idea for you....
But, hope you always enjoy, ok? Don't work to hard! Take care, ~ Hugz :o) |
gloria2010 wrote on Aug 4, '10
Vera, my dear friend. You have been in my thoughts and I prayed for you. I know you will make the right decision. Like I said you have a good head on your shoulders and will think all through and make the right decision. You did not jump but are thinking and asking for opinions. Only you dear friend has the answer. Hugs and Blessings - Gloria
Deeply sorry for my involuntary mistake.... Very sorry but impossible to guess from your screen name it standed for a 'he' or a 'she'. Pls accept my sincere apologies... never intended to be offensive..
yahudi1menuhin wrote on Aug 3, '10
HOW COME ALL YOUR other friends are smart?
except me, I am the only dummy I think?????? |
iggyigette wrote on Aug 3, '10
Dear Boss:
Thank for the trust that you have placed in me to do all these projects. I appreciate it. I want to make sure that I have appropriate time to do an excellent job for you with these projects, so with this new job request you have for me I am not sure I would have enough time to do a good job. And I don't want to do a bad job. Please advise me on what I should do? |
yahudi1menuhin wrote on Aug 3, '10
If she were my boss, I would never tell her "NO" hahahahahaahahahahah
I have experienced the same as you and from it, I would say you have two options: 1. You take the initiative of having a face-to-face talk with your boss and you diplomatic, yet frankly, tell him how heavy the burden on your shoulders has got. He is likely to understand or not and he may emphasise that he relies on you, only. In this case, you better consider the possibility of quitting that job, after thinking carefully about the pros and cons of such a decision.
2. You tell nothing to him and very gradually you start slowing down the pace of the work he asks you... he would then be wondering about it and would probably ask you whether there is something wrong with you. At that time you would have the talks with him. I totally ignore the profile of your boss as well as I have no idea how you are at ease with him. In my personal case, and you know well I have always worked with foreigners, whenever I had something that worried me, I never had any talks with boss in the office, but would invite him for lunch, during which I would tell him my feelings about my job position. It had always worked like that but you know, the foreigners I worked with were very peculiar ones, LOL! Think first and then act as you feel it will be the best way... Don't make haste... it never helps... on the contrary, makes the things getting worse. Good luck, Viera! |
Looks like some diplomacy is called for between you and your boss. You can do the work Virea and you do so wothout question. However you cant take on to much all the time. Your boss seems to know he can depend on you. If you took on to much and it was to get you down or make you sick, it would be you boss who would suffer. I believe its time for a frank talk with your boss and let him see that you are not invincible. Who would he rather keep? You or those who are lazy. or you Virea,,,??
Good luck Virea..... Frank x |
gloria2010 wrote on Aug 2, '10, edited on Aug 2, '10
I had the same problem that you are talking about. I told the truth and had a talk with the man I worked for, and things worked out for me. They give things to the busy people because they know you will get the job done and it will be correct. Then you have the lazy one's who go though life by the seat of their pants and get away with it, at least for awhile but it comes round and gets them. Most I have seen loose their jobs in the end for not producing. It seems that you are in the professional world like me. I know how you feel . There are only so many hours in the day and it can be very stressful. You have to decide but do tell the truth. If you feel you want to test the waters then check around before you have the talk but do not tell anyone because that could get you fired. You have to keep this to yourself. You have a good head on your shoulders and I know you can think more about this before you make a big step.
Your friend, Gloria |
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